SIBLEY is not just about clothing, but about creating enduring memories with cherished ones, adorned in outfits as unforgettable as the moments themselves. Inspired by the grandeur of holidays, the elegance of architecture, and the allure of unattainable furniture, SIBLEY is designed to be your perfect companion, whether you're attending your best friend's wedding or throwing your own birthday party. With Sibel at the forefront, fashion is about to get a lot more memorable.

1 August, 2023

As a brand that is new to the scene and has yet to officially launch, what are some of the challenges you expect to face

Just having no idea what the reaction is going to be. I think starting a brand and building from nothing is an obvious challenge because there’s no ‘why’ associated with the brand, consumers don’t buy from anyone anymore, there has to be a story and reason. So, I think communicating this will be an initial challenge, as well as many other logistical challenges, we already have so many of those!

So let's go back in time and talk about when covid hit, you mentioned beforehand you were going to move to NYC but instead your plans got canned, what was going through your mind at that moment

After school I got into a few design schools in New York and London too and was deciding where I wanted to go before Covid-19 shut down the whole world. It had been my dream to move overseas for as long as I could remember, so I was obviously quite upset and navigating the challenges of Covid, which was tough. After finishing school, I think all my friends felt a bit lost, we couldn’t do all the things you’re meant to do when you graduate, like travel and meet new people. However, in saying that I was incredibly lucky I had an amazing support system around me and I was healthy and safe.

Talk more about how those 3 years went, are you glad the way things worked out

I think without being in Sydney for that period I would not have had the opportunity to work on my brand, which I’m really excited about. I also did a lot of design internships with Aussie designers, which have been super valuable. Its definitely a different path, but I think ultimately, these things happen for a reason.

What was the very first moment you decided “Yep I’m going into fashion, this is meant for me”

I always remember fashion being a part of my life from a really young age. My mum and grandma were very interested in fashion, they weren’t in the industry but always invested in good quality clothes and would always discuss fashion weeks in Europe and New York and follow what the designers were doing. However, it wasn’t until I was finishing school that I knew I really wanted to make a career out of it. I did textiles and design at school and I couldn’t get enough of the design element of it.

Now it’s clear that your lovely mother is the heart of your brand, can you talk more about her

When I was making and designing for my brand, it was the same time I was stealing all my mum’s insane vintage for nights out with my friends, or when I had something on that I wanted to dress up for. My mum has incredibly beautiful style that is classic and timeless, a lot of her wardrobe is (now) vintage designer, so I drew inspiration from a lot of her clothes. As well as her idea of fashion at large. She has always believed in quality over quantity when it comes to buying clothing, which is so important today when there is so much consumption and waste in the industry. I think my brand reflects this ethos; our fabrics are very high quality and everything is made in Australia, so the craftsmanship is also of amazing quality, and everything is made ethically, which is so important.

What does slow fashion mean to you?

Slow fashion for me is something that I feel like my mum has practised before ‘slow fashion’ was a phrase. I think it is the idea of something that is made with purpose and with the intention of having longevity. There is thoughtfulness behind slow fashion, rather than just pushing out clothes in response to trends.

When I first came across your brand, I saw that cute blue set. Can you tell me where you got the inspiration for it and what the whole process was like

Our Mimi set is one of the first garments we saw come to life, so it’s really exciting to be releasing it very soon. I had the idea a few years ago of doing a pleated skirt and then we elevated it with the matching top. I love how versatile it is because you can mix and match the set, there is so much opportunity for styling. Our first drop, which is ‘The Sibling Set’ features the Isabella Set and the Mimi Set, which is all made from the same beautiful fabric and can really be mixed and matched as versatile staples.

What’s your ultimate dream when it comes to SIBLEY

I have huge plans for SIBLEY, but for now I’m really focusing on getting the first collection released and using my big goals as motivation to keep going, even through all the challenges.