Francesca, a 28-year-old dynamo of creativity and enterprise, has always been fueled by her innate artistic flair and an unquenchable passion for fashion. Born in the provincial town of Brescia, she was inevitably drawn to the fashion epicenter of Milan. There, she honed her craft at the esteemed Marangoni Institute, completing a three-year course in Fashion Design. Almost immediately, she dove headfirst into the fashion industry, crafting her debut collection in Italian knitwear and consulting for a streetwear brand. Yet, Francesca was always driven by a desire to birth something uniquely her own. That dream crystallised in 2021 with the launch of her own brand, The Nour.

31 August, 2023

So, what's the heart and soul behind The Nour?

What pushed me the most was a strong desire to emerge; to affirm my voice and my ideas; to find my place in the world. The creative desire to totally distort the traditional idea of 'sexy' and give life to a genderless, innovative, revolutionary and free brand. My goal with The Nour is to dress a Woman who doesn't need to shout at the world to feel like that by wearing skimpy clothes or resembling the “Barbie gender” imposed by the media. But a Woman who is proud of her being, who is free from stereotypes, who values her identity.

Is there anyone who inspires you?

All revolutionary women; women who have clashed with customs and traditions imposed by the society in which they lived; women who have been able to go against the tide, who have been synonymous with emancipation and independence. Like Coco Chanel, who was the first to sew (for women) a substitute for the skirt: the pants.

Where do you find the inspiration for your designs? How do they go from concept to creation

The main inspiration comes from the world of cinema and photography: I observe, study, analyze scenes and scenarios to create new trends and bring them to life with The Nour collections. But current events are also a source of creative stimuli: sustainability is one of the challenges we want to pursue. In the field of design, in fact, we are trying to include in the new collections – (the Fall/Winter, which is right now in design, ed.) – materials that are as sustainable and innovative as possible. We are sending into production, for example, garments made of a particular wool, totally of vegetable and non-animal origin.

Has there been a moment with The Nour that really left a lasting impression on you?

Definitely attend with The Nour on the red carpet of the 79th Venice International Film Festival. This was the first real big milestone achieved with the brand. Both because such an important and wide audience got to know my creations, and because a celebrity – (VillaBanks, ed.) – chose us for the red carpet of the Festival. Living this experience made me realize that I made the right choice; there I felt like I was in the right place, where I needed to be.

How would you describe yourself in a few words? What really makes you, well, you?

Determined, enterprising, unconventional. A woman who constantly tries to take a path not yet traveled, to get out of the standards imposed by society. A Woman who loves to be free.

Was there a time when you had to deal with negative criticism or feedback?

I have always been seen as the 'beautiful girl', as the one who should have followed a 'standard' life path: first studies, then a job, then marriage again and so on. But I always knew that by doing so I would feel in a cage and, above all, that I would not leave a mark; I would not communicate to the world – and created – something real. In the embryonic phase, every time I talked about my project, I suffered a lot of criticism: I remained the 'beautiful girl' who had to follow the path of common life – certainly easier and less risky. But, instead of getting me knocked down, I channeled the negative, making it gasoline for my success: every criticism fueled my desire to prove to everyone that I would make it. And, always putting 110% of myself into what I used to do, I'm here today talking about The Nour.

Is there a core belief or value that you hold dear? How has it influenced your choices, not just in business but in life too?

“Accept the great challenge of being yourself.” This is the quote that has been with me forever and ever. Each of my decisions was guided by my instincts and my strong will to get out of the clichés, to escape from imposed, rigid and obsolete life obligations. Only by accepting this challenge day by day I managed to give a turn to my path, to feel free, both on a professional level with the foundation and birth of The Nour; and on a personal level, coming out.

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement, with reference to your brand?

Knowing that so many women are reflected in my project. For me, representing these women is one of the most important rewards.

What's one piece of advice you'd share

If you really believe in something, you have to persevere. I believe it is a duty to yourself to embark on your own path, against everything and everyone.